Watch Jimmy Fallon Make 'Call Me Maybe' Awesome with Toy Instruments (VIDEO)

Watch Jimmy Fallon Make 'Call Me Maybe' Awesome with Toy Instruments (VIDEO) I know, I know, "Call Me Maybe" is on that breaking point where we're all about to be very, very sick of it (if we aren't already). But listen: Jimmy Fallon and The Roots performed the song with Carly Rae Jepsen on "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" using only toy instruments found in a classroom.

It's just enough to make the song totally awesome again.

Fallon, who is known for taking on musical performances with guests on his talk show, handles percussion on a small drum and a tambourine, while Jepsen takes the lead vocals and adds some triangle. The Roots, meanwhile, play everything from the ukelele to the mouth harp, even with a little kazoo.

Will this have the viral capabilities of "History of Rap?" Maybe: after all, the song has already spawned its own meme. If you can admit that Jepsen's pop hit is absurdly catchy and stomach the cuteness that comes from The Roots being that into the song, you might get a few good views out of this one.

Watch Jimmy Fallon, Carly Rae Jepsen and The Roots perform "Call Me Maybe" below: